Saving Wildlife through Photography

A fox diving headfirst into snow? Grinning zebras and a yawning owl? Every year, the Comedy Wildlife Photography Award honours the delightfully amusing images of the animal kingdom. As the name suggests, no domestic, farm or captive animals can be the photo’s subjects – only wild animals.
In 2016, over 2,200 people submitted their works. Judges evaluate the pictures’ technical excellence and how entertaining the content and titles are. Winners are chosen in six different categories: animals on land, in the air or underwater as well as the Internet Portfolio Category, one for video clips and another for young photographers under the age of sixteen. The overall winner is awarded new photography equipment from Nikon and a weeklong safari trip in Kenya, Africa.
But the award is not only a competition: the organisers also want to promote animal conservation by cooperating with the Born Free Foundation. This charity works towards ending animal captivity, for example in zoos, and protecting rare species. As the foundation puts it, they want to “keep wildlife in the wild”.
References Comedy Wildlife Photography Award (28.11.2016)