Baby, You’re a Rich Cat

$50 million (47 million €)– that’s about how much Grumpy Cat earns in one year. With that, the cat would even top Johnny Depp on the Forbes-List of highest paid celebrities – if the list were not exclusively for humans. The actor earned ‘only’ $48 million (45 million €) in 2016. Though the cat’s owner has repeatedly denied that figure – the feline (probably) still earns more than you and I do!
With the Grumpy Cat meme the feline called Tardar Sauce became an overnight online sensation in September 2012. Since then, his unmistakable facial expression – probably a result of dwarfism – is one of the most used memes on the Internet.
Besides a New York Times-Bestseller, toys and a Christmas TV-Movie (My Grumpy Christmas) you can also enjoy a Grumppuccino – a canned cappuccino available in three different flavours: vanilla, mocha or coffee.
Jealous of the kitty? Meow too!
References Grumpy Cat Official Homepage About Grumpy Cat (14.12.2016) Millward, David “Grumpy cat makes owner £64 million” The Telegraph from 07.12.2014 (14.12.2016) “Kultkatze: "Grumpy Cat" bekommt eigene Wachsfigur” Der Spiegel from 30.08.2015 “Goldgrube "Grumpy Cat": Die 100-Millionen-Dollar-Katze” Der Spiegel from 08.12.2014 (14.12.2016) #46 Johnny Depp Forbes (24.11.2016) “Reich mit schlechter Laune” Süddeutsche Zeitung from 08. 12.2014 (14.12.2016)